Project Info
The LIGHTCAP project is a European Training Network under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions framework. LIGHTCAP aims to provide a strong, innovative and necessary impulse to our insights in the intricate and complex relationships between light, perception, attention and cognition.
Light can make or break health, social and cognitive functioning. Given the rapid technological developments in light sources (LED, OLED) and the proliferation of intelligent infrastructures (IOT, data science), we are in a crucial period for the realization of truly human-centered lighting.
LIGHTCAP, with as core partners universities in Basel, Berlin, Eindhoven, Lausanne, Liège, Manchester and Sheffield, aims to address this challenge by providing a strong, innovative and necessary impulse to our insight in the intricate and complex relationship between light, perception, attention and cognition. The goal of LIGHTCAP is to prepare the next generation of experts able to deliver on the promise of truly intelligent, human-centric lighting.
We promise an international, interdisciplinary, cross-sectional and translational training program. The project unites experts from neurobiology, cognitive neuroscience, chronobiology, psychology and lighting technology. It will train a generation of researchers who can look beyond the borders of their discipline and understand the implications of their findings for other fields. Most importantly: LIGHTCAP is hiring 15 future experts on this important subject.
In LIGHTCAP, 15 early stage researchers will be trained in a joint programme between 7 academic European partners: The Human-Technology Interaction group and the Building Lighting group at Eindhoven University of Technology; the Centre for Biological Timing at the University of Manchester; the Lighting and Visual Perception group of the University of Sheffield; the GIGA-Cyclontron Research Centre-In Vivo Imaging of the University of Liège; the Centre for Chronobiology of the University of Basel; the Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); and the Lighting Technology group of the Technical University of Berlin. These groups will be working together intensively with each other and with the solid consortium of industrial and medical partners through secondments (research visits), consortium meetings and a joint training programme.
The LightCap ITN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 860613