
Richard Jedon (ESR09)

PhD student at Eindhoven University of Technology

Country of residence
The Netherlands
Country of origin
Czech Republic
Prof. Yvonne de Kort
Starting date
October 1, 2020

I am passionate about environmental and human factors psychology, with the focus on design,architecture and urban environment. My main interest lies in environmental aesthetics, public engagement, user-centered design, and the overall adjustment of the built environment for human well-being.

I have graduated in psychology at the Masaryk University in Brno and finished a post-graduate specialization Neuroscience applied to architectural design at IUAV Venezia. For two years I worked as an environmental psychology consultant for Urban Planning and Development Institute of the City of Pilsen.

The goal is to use my knowledge to consult and improve the work of architects, designers, and urban planners. For that reason, I find the LIGHTCAP project both interesting, as it is based on solid theoretical findings but also aims at translating them into practice, and challenging, because it works with some very recent developments in lighting science. Since I am focused on urban environments and public spaces, I see the aim of this project as the great fit for my interests.

Lighting, attention, and sense of safety in mesopic outdoor situations

The aims of the project are to gain a better understanding of the role of attention in the formation of environmental appraisals (pedestrian safety perceptions in particular) and to determine what characteristics of street lighting are needed to optimize attention and / or alertness when forming safety perceptions.


  • LIGHTCAP kick-off meeting, November 2020 (online)
  • LumeNet, November 2020


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