
Roya Sharifpour (ESR04)

PhD student at University of Liège

Country of residence
Country of origin
Dr. Gilles Vandewalle
Starting date
October 12, 2020

My academic credentials include a B.Sc. degree in physics and a M.Sc. degree in medical physics. My master thesis was “Evaluation of the impact of TOF technique on CT-based attenuation correction induced artifacts in PET/CT imaging”. 

After my master graduation, I worked as a neuroimaging data analyst for 3 years. I had been involved in different projects including: 

•                Functional and structural MRI analyses in order to provide a surgical navigation for epilepsy surgery candidates. 

•                Finding a biomarker for lateralization of the seizure onset zone in epilepsy patients using perfusion MRI (i.e. Arterial Spin Labeling)

•                Lateralization of the seizure onset zone in epilepsy patient using VBM analysis of structural MRI. 

•                Developing software for automated ROI-based and voxel-based morphometry. 

The fascinating topic of this LIGHTCAP project and also being aligned with my background in neuroimaging data analysis made me want to do this study as my PhD project.

Being exposed to artificial light such as LEDs and screens’ light, which comes from our current life style is definitely one of the most important issues we are facing. Considering the importance of the topic, I found myself interested in being involved in this project and having a contribution in making people aware of the effects of light on their brains. 

Non-Image Forming (NIF) Effects of Blue-Enriched Light on the Brain in Teenagers

This study will establish whether subcortical areas play an important role in NIF responses to in teenagers and in the transition to adulthood light (using fMRI). We will also show whether basic cortical function (as indexed by cortical excitability) is affected by light exposure in teenagers (using TMS-EEG).


  • LIGHTCAP kick-off meeting, November 2020 (online)

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