
Vaida Verhoef (ESR08)

PhD student at Eindhoven University of Technology

Country of residence
The Netherlands
Country of origin
Prof. Yvonne de Kort
Starting date
October 1, 2020

During my studies in France, I obtained a background first in psychology and then in neuropsychology and neurosciences. Along my studies, I was introduced to research in the domains of emotion, cognition and sleep. After a bachelor degree obtained in University 3 of Toulouse, and a master of science from the University Grenoble Alpes, I gained experience in scientific research in a surgical neurofunctional lab in Germany. This year long experience fortified my interest in external modulation of cognition, in sleep and in the collaboration between research and clinical application.

The LIGHTCAP project for which I was employed offers me the ideal background to cultivate my interest, grow as a researcher and start my career in research. Indeed, it offers me the unique opportunity to study the effect of light on cognition and sleep in the lab as well as among a clinical population. The organization of the project also allows for interesting collaborations between different scientific groups across Europe and for multiple conferences, participating in the creation of my scientific network. 

Effect of daytime light on daily functioning and sleep in persons with sleep disorders

The project is part of the second work package from the LIGHTCAP ETN. It’s aim is to improve daytime functioning in patients with diagnosed sleep disorders by optimizing light exposure patterns exploiting acute direct or indirect non-image forming (NIF) effects of light on attention, alertness, sleepiness and night-time sleep.


  • LIGHTCAP kick-off meeting, November 2020 (online)
  • LIGHTCAP SLIM (Seminar on Light and Methods; January 22nd, 2020)

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